Monday, June 4, 2012

Florence through its Shops - Part I

There seem to be several ways that one can appreciate and get to understand Florence through its shop windows.  

The most artistic windows often give one great views of the surrounding buildings.

While also appreciating the buildings of Florence, one can also understand that there is a strong emphasis upon feminine couture that appears to start at an earlier age than in most places.  The store, TAF, has expensive dresses for 5-11 year olds!

If you can't find the dresses that you want you can always get one made at one of the many tailoring shops and choose materials from an unending selection.

However, good taste is not always the hallmark of shops in Florence!

There is also a very strong tradition of herbal scents and medicines..........

.... which is carried to its ultimate pinacle (both in splendour and prices!) at the magnificent 400 year-old Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di Santa maria Novella.  This must be one of the most unique shops in the world and is definitely worth a visit, perhaps even before the Uffizi!  It even features on a new Italian postage stamp.

The shop is nearing completion of a wonderful restoration effort that is bringing out some magnificent details.

It must be said that the shop is catering to all needs for herbal products.

And if you want to read more about herbal medicines, you can always pop into its library, which used to be the sacristy which is decorated with frescos from 1385-1405!

One of the frescos shows the Last Supper....

...and Judas gets put in a poor light!

Inevitably there are the obligatory angels ........ see previous blog!

Since this blog entry has got a little bloated, it will be continued in Part II.

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